برجراف عن عيد الفطر باللغة الانجليزية

و هناك البعض من الأشخاص من يطلبون البعض من التعبير عن عيد الفطر المبارك من خلال إستخدام اللغة الإنجليزية و لذلك قام موقع تدوينات بعمل فقرة كاملة معبرة عن العيد المبارك من خلال تلك اللغة و لذلك فى حالة كنت تبحث عن برجراف عن عيد الفطر باللغة الانجليزية يمكنك الحصول عليه من الموقع حيث أن هناك فقرة كاملة و متكاملة من جميع النواحى.

برجراف عن عيد الفطر باللغة الانجليزية :

  • حيث أن عيد الفطر هو المناسبة الدينية التى ينتظرها المسلمون من أجل الإحتفال بعد الإنتهاء من شهر رمضان الكريم و البدأ فى الإحتفال بشكل كبير من خلال العديد من مظاهر الفرحة و البهجة و السعادة و التى تنتشر بين الجميع.

يمكنك أيضا قراءة على موقع تدوينات : خطبة عيد الفطر مكتوبة مغربية

تعبير عن عيد الفطر بالانجليزي سهل :

The blessed Eid al-Fitr comes after the end of the holy month of Ramadan, so the last day of the blessed month of Ramadan is the pause of the blessed Eid al-Fitr, in which people visit each other, congratulating the advent of the Eid, and the day of Eid begins with the takbeers that fill the  streets in the mosques and empty places designated for Eid prayer. Eid al-Fitr

Eid is an opportunity for joy and happiness, and a divine gift in which the believers feel that they performed worship and won the approval of God Almighty. All believers work out.Many wonderful festive rituals are held on Eid, which start even before his arrival, by preparing for him by buying clothes, preparing the most delicious types of sweets such as Eid cakes, maamoul, and Eid bread, in addition to preparing Eid feasts that will be presented to the children, mothers and fathers. And increasing family bonding, the extended and small family meeting in the big family home, and a wonderful opportunity to go out on group outings to break the routine, and deepen the meanings of love.On Eid, all the meanings of humanity and giving are revealed, and the rich give their money to the poor, so joy spreads in their hearts, and they buy their needs that are lacking in them, and feelings of mercy and brotherhood transcend the souls. Eid has many dimensions, including psychological dimensions, religious dimensions, and economic dimensions as well. The beautiful thing is that worries and sorrows are forgotten on Eid, just as people bypass all that disturb the peace of their lives in it, and forget about it even for a short period. As for its religious dimensions, in showing joy on Eid, a great reward and reward from God Almighty, as for its economic dimensions, it is what the powerful offer to the needy As an Eid and Zakat for joy during the day of Eid.In order for a person to feel the joy of Eid, he must fully perform the ritual acts that precede it. So the joy of Eid comes after the fatigue and hardship that worship leaves in the soul, which enhances the sublime of the soul and makes the holiday a greater and deeper meaning, and makes the exchange of congratulations in it that ignites the overwhelming joy that it is She performed her duty towards her Great Creator. The rituals of joy in the Eid have changed over time and developed, for after it was previously just a gathering of the little ones in the yards of the houses and playing together, and then going to the homes of all the people of the neighborhood to collect the Eid, the ritual has become not complete for the little ones except by bringing the gifts they want to them, and presenting a large feast Fitting their childish aspirations, going to the amusement park where there is noise, play, and joy.In order for the Eid to preserve its full joy, anything that spoils the joy of the Eid must be discarded, and the disputes that arise between neighbors and relatives, peace be upon them and forgive the offenders, and the rejection of hatred, violence, and hatred.

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